
Hi All !

This blog is created by us [ Swati (Sw)+ Atul (@i)]. I (Sw) am a professional Researcher and amateur photographer. I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. Possibly since birth, nobody knows that since I wasn’t able to communicate my thought process very clearly back then. Like most authors, we are an avid readers and I (@i) am an Entrepreneur who come out with an innovative idea every now and then. I am very much interested in to starting a venture.

We are both M.B.A (finance and Marketing), busy in our respective metro life.We are currently working on our first blog, which is about Feel & Reel. Yes, you read that correctly-reel.  Interest in photography also goes back to my childhood. When I captured The 1st Couple of my Life   “Paa Maa”. I’ve always loved to try and gather the world around me that  conveys Reel Reality.

Today we live in a world of worst case scenarios. We cut ourselves off from hoping for the best because too many times, the best doesn’t happen. But every now and then, something extraordinary occurs. And suddenly, the best case scenarios seem possible. Every now and then, something amazing happens, and against our own better judgement, we start to have HOPE.

With this HOPE we together use this platform to share our ideas and experience to help, facilitate and connect with like minded people .We will bring out day to day concepts as categories and would build as much content as possible around each category. Some classic photo’s I got compiled up! I do not own these pictures, someone else had taken them…I am unsure who to give credit for, but Enjoy! @$@

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Thanks for taking the time to read our blogs. 🙂

29 thoughts on “About

  1. Glad to know about both of you and love to follow you :)…

    And yah, thanks for visiting and liking “Ujval’s Lounge”… Keep Visiting

    • Hello,Lasesana thank you for stopping by my blog, reading in – I enjoy reading your blog!
      Much appreciated! words. Glad to connect with you. I try to do my best, make all the efforts to provide the good 😉 🙂

  2. Pingback: SoundEagle in Best Moment Award from Moment Matters | SoundEagle

  3. Glad your comment a while ago led me here Swati and Atul. Delighted to make your acquaintance and look forward to browsing your lovely blog 😉

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